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This course on Firmware Development with MicroPython offers an in-depth exploration of embedded systems programming tailored for firmware creation. You'll gain foundational knowledge of MicroPython, delve into board compatibility with devices like Raspberry Pi Pico and ESP32, and master essential skills such as GPIO control, communication protocols, and firmware optimization. With practical projects, you'll integrate sensors, explore networking, and build robust applications for IoT, smart devices, and cutting-edge robotics.

(16+ Students)
Total Duration

1 - 3 Months


Flexible Course



Price 29,997

9,999 + Tax*

What are the Things you Master from Course?

Micro Python
Cloud Integration
Raspberry Pi Pico
Firmware Development

What Are The Topics Covered By This Course?

  • Introduction to MicroPython: We will start with the basics of MicroPython, including its syntax and structure. You will learn about its relevance in embedded systems and its advantages over traditional programming languages for microcontrollers.
  • Firmware Development with MicroPython: Explore the core principles of developing and deploying firmware for microcontrollers using MicroPython. Learn how to efficiently manage hardware resources, integrate peripherals, and optimize performance for real-world embedded applications.
  • Boards and Compatibility: In this section, you will explore MicroPython-compatible boards like Raspberry Pi Pico, ESP32, and STM32. You will learn about the unique features of these boards and how to choose the right one for your project.
  • Baremetal Programming: You will understand how MicroPython operates without an operating system. This section will cover the fundamentals of baremetal programming and its applications.
  • GPIO Control: Learn how to interact with GPIO pins for input and output. We will cover tasks like reading sensors, controlling LEDs, and working with PWM for motor and light control.
  • Communication Protocols: You will learn how to use SPI, I2C, and UART protocols to interface with sensors, displays, and other peripherals. Hands-on examples will demonstrate these protocols in action.
  • MicroPython with Raspberry Pi Pico and ESP32: This section explores the capabilities of two popular boards: Raspberry Pi Pico, powered by the RP2040 chip, and ESP32, known for its Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support. You will learn to create practical projects such as temperature loggers, light sensors, weather stations, and remote-controlled systems, leveraging the unique features of each board to build versatile IoT applications
  • Cloud Connectivity: Learn how to connect your MicroPython projects to the cloud. You will use MQTT and HTTP protocols to send and receive data. Examples include IoT dashboards and remote monitoring systems.
  • Interfacing with Sensors and Modules: This section covers working with sensors like DHT22, MPU6050, and ultrasonic sensors, as well as modules like GPS, RFID, and cameras. You will build projects such as environmental monitoring systems and tracking devices.
  • Networking and Web Applications: Create simple web servers with MicroPython to host control dashboards for IoT devices. You will learn how to interact with devices over a network.
  • Zephyr Integration: You will be introduced to Zephyr RTOS and learn how to integrate it with MicroPython for complex embedded systems.
  • GUI and Display Integration: Learn how to interface with OLED, LCD, and e-ink displays to create user-friendly interfaces for your projects.
  • Advanced Topics and Capstone Projects: In this section, you will dive into advanced concepts such as asynchronous programming, multithreading, and memory management, equipping you with the skills to optimize real-time application performance. You will then apply everything you’ve learned to build advanced projects like smart home automation systems, IoT-based data visualization platforms, and robotic arms, showcasing the full potential of MicroPython in solving real-world problems.

What Are The Benefits Provided By This Course


Course Completion Certificate


Community Support


Hands-On Experience


Expert Instruction


Networking Opportunities


Six Months SNA Lab access

SNA Mentor

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Hi, My name is Sibidharan Nandhakumar, I am your mentor


Sibidharan is a highly experienced with over 15+ years and knowledgeable course mentor, With a background in IoT, Web Application and Cybersecurity. Sibidharan has a deep understanding of the subject matter and is able to provide students with practical and valuable guidance throughout their learning journey

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Hi, My name is Manoj Kumar, I am your mentor


I have been in the electronics industry since the age of 17. I have experience doing design and development business around Embedded systems design for some of the biggest brands and start-ups.

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Hi, My name is Nishaanth, I am your mentor


I have a seasoned security professional with 8+ years of work experience in the fields of application security, exploit development and cloud security.




₹9999 + Tax*

What Included

  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Community Support
  • Hands-On Experience
  • Expert Instruction
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Six Months SNA Lab access

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Students Testimonial


Hariharan Ravi

College Student

Web engineering teaches things that are not typically taught in institutes or academies. It's hard to believe how much I learned in just 3 months. Sibi bro taught us industry standards and the tools used in companies. The lab was very useful, and I believe I learned everything about the internet. I feel ready for job placements.



College Student

SNA is the best platform to learn current technology up-to-date, And I'm learning Sibi Anna's 14+ years of experience in this one course, In SNA I'm learning a lot of new technology and while learning this new technology I'm getting new ideas to make a new product. This platform teaches me how to learn on my own. I'm learning a lot of things from Sibi Anna.


Venkatesh M

College Student

It can't explain by words so full-fledged labs. We are very lucky to be part of SNA because of the labs, knowledge, and strong community that we made. SNA labs are the perfect labs where everyone can practice from scratch to a high level.


vijayan R

College Student

I had never experienced this kind of teaching in my life. Really your teaching is awesome and you changed my way of thinking. Tq bro.


Isakki Raja

College Student

Sibi's course brought me back on track. I consider this course one of the best investments in my life. It changed me as a person and it made me look at programming with a different view 🙂


Rithish Sam

College Student

Real World Industry standard course. Very helpful when i wanted to upgrade my skills and excel in my industry.


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